Heard of butt breathing turtles? Ever wondered if a bat poops through its mouth or want weird animals to learn about with kids? If you’re looking for fun podcasts to listen to with your kids, this is it!
Butt Breathing Turtles and Potty Mouth Animal Poopers
Do Turtles Really Breathe Out of Their Butts?
There are turtles that breathe out of their butts! The Mary River Turtle breathes underwater through its butt by its cloaca and some gills on its tail. This allows the turtles to “breathe” through their “butts” and can spend as long as three days underwater breathing this way!
Podcast Episode Show Notes on Potty Mouths and Butt Breathers
Get out your potty puns because we’re talking all about butt breathers and potty mouths on this episode of the Parent Busters podcast!
We’ll cover weird animal facts like:
- Answering how do turtles breathe underwater AND have a mohawk?
- What animals can breathe through their anus?
- Is there cloacal respiration in humans? (Say what???)
- Is it possible to poop out of mouth?
- Which animal poops from its mouth?
- Do jellyfish eat and poop out of the same hole
- Do bats poop out of their mouths?
- What does butterfly poop look like?
& SO MANY MORE weird facts in this funny and fun podcast for kids about weird respiration in animals and funny ways animals excrete waste in the form of (and how they do it!).
Hitch up your boots and wade in deep to this episode that doesn’t stink!
Where To Listen To Butt Breathing Turtles and Potty Mouth Animals Podcast Episode
In this week’s funny family podcast episode, we’ll cover can weird animal facts like how some turtles breathe through their butts (and what else are butt breathers?!) and if there are some animals that poo through their mouths! Check out the animal podcast episode on these weird topics!
Weird Animal Facts: Animal Activities and Lessons
Want to add animal fun facts to your lessons and learning for kids? Check these out!
YOU’LL ALSO HAVE FUN WITH THESE PODCAST EPISODES: Urine In Trouble Now! Urine Podcast Episode and also Flaming Farts Or A Bunch Of Hot Air Podcast Episode
Highlights and Fact Corrections From the Butt Breather Turtles Podcast Episode
*Check out a picture of the Mary River Turtle with green algae mohawk!
*The Mary River Turtle, aka: the butt breathing turtle, is found in Queensland, Australia and it lives in the Mary River, which is how it got its name.
*Cloaca is Latin for “sewer.”
*The Mary River Turtle breathes, lays eggs, pees and poos through the cloaca, which is one chamber for all of these functions.
*The Mary River Turtle can swim up to 2.5 mph!
*There are now fewer than 1,000 Mary River Turtles left in the wild. They are on the endangered species list.
*Bats do not poop through their mouth, even though they spend a lot of time hanging upside down.
*Vultures poop on their own legs as a way to sanitize them and cool them down.
*Butterflies don’t poop in the way we think as a solid poo. Instead, they release a liquid.
*Tardigrades (“water bears”) only release excrement, or poo, when they molt.
Butt Breathing Turtles and Potty Mouth Animals Podcast Episode References, Sources, and Resources
- LiveScience
- Phys.org
- Britannica
- InterestingEngineering.com
- Independent
- Edge Of Existence
- Kidadl
- Science.org
- The Dodo
- A-Z Animals
- The Conversation
- Biology4Kids