Is spaghetti noodle test (throwing spaghetti against wall) true? We’ll cover the spaghetti stick test (why do people throw spaghetti against the wall), spaghetti history facts, weird pasta facts, and more! Fun if you’re looking for podcasts about food or podcasts about food history!
Where To Listen To The Spaghetti Noodle Test Podcast Episode
The Spaghetti Test Meaning
The wall spaghetti test is how to test spaghetti is cooked (a spaghetti tester for doneness). Some people swear by this wall noodle method for how do you test if your spaghetti is done and say that if pasta sticks to the wall is it done. It is, however, a myth (spaghetti test urban legend) because many different factors go into making spaghetti stick to a wall and have very little to do with if spaghetti is cooked enough (or not cooked through).
However, throwing spaghetti at the wall and trying to get it to stick is fun (even if it doesn’t have anything to do with is my spaghetti ready! So, try the spaghetti test yourself or make it a spaghetti challenge with your friends!
Spaghetti Play Ideas and Pasta Lessons for Kids
Want to add fun facts about pasta learning for kids? (Don’t forget to try the spaghetti wall test with kids and talk about how to tell when spaghetti noodles are done!)
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Highlights and Fact Corrections From the Spaghetti Doneness Test Episode
*Check out our own spaghetti doneness test video (throwing spaghetti at a wall) on Instagram (tag us if you do your own stick-on-the-wall spaghetti rule test!).
*Does pasta really cook from inside out?
Yes, pasta is dried, so you’re rehydrating it. That’s why you can cook pasta al dente, which is tender on the inside, but more firm pasta on the outside.
*See the 4,000 year old pasta noodles that we talked about on the podcast episode!
*Check out this floating Italian singer that checks the doneness of your pasta. (This is the one we talked about on the spaghetti podcast episode!)
*This is the book we talked about on the podcast episode.
*Is pasta considered a cereal?
Why would pasta be categorized as cereal in the cookbook? It may be because cereal and pasta are both grains. Instead of using the category of “grains,” they may have just categorized all of them as cereals. In some countries, cereals are include breads, pastas, rice, and cereals.
*Watch the BBC: Spaghetti-Harvest hoax video from April Fools’ Day 1957
*Learn more about people thinking tomatoes were poisonous and tomatoes leaching lead from plates
*Learn more about the History of Noodles (including during the Han Dynasty that we talk about on the podcast)
*Read about when China started growing wheat
Spaghetti Stick Test Podcast Episode References and Resources
- History of Spaghetti
- How Stuff Works
- The Free Dictionary
- Cucina Toscana
- WTOP News
- BuzzFeed
- Culinary Lore
- Useless Daily
- Snack Dinner
- Main Street ROI